Friday 10 January 2014


So recently, I'm going to have a change in my current course from DET(G) to DMD(G) so my lecture asked me to do a portfolio on my drawing or doodling to show them during the next meeting. So I decided to draw some. Its been a long time since I last took a pencil and draw. >-<

Alright here's some of the drawings!
I started with drawing lines and shadings. Tried my best :C
Then I drawn a Charmander by referring to the image online.
Next, I drawn a front view of Panda Teemo!
Drawn some Pokemon fishes haha
And an angry Magikarp! 

Lastly, I drew a tree and a goat. haha

Gonna draw more when I got time this few days! Got to fill up my sketchbook! hahahahah cya nights

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