Friday 10 January 2014


So recently, I'm going to have a change in my current course from DET(G) to DMD(G) so my lecture asked me to do a portfolio on my drawing or doodling to show them during the next meeting. So I decided to draw some. Its been a long time since I last took a pencil and draw. >-<

Alright here's some of the drawings!
I started with drawing lines and shadings. Tried my best :C
Then I drawn a Charmander by referring to the image online.
Next, I drawn a front view of Panda Teemo!
Drawn some Pokemon fishes haha
And an angry Magikarp! 

Lastly, I drew a tree and a goat. haha

Gonna draw more when I got time this few days! Got to fill up my sketchbook! hahahahah cya nights

Wednesday 8 January 2014

10 reasons you still feel lonely.

Found this online via a shared post on Facebook! 
Sounds so true hahaha! 

Going through a rough patch? Here are 10 reasons you still feel lonely.
1. You’re basing your worth off the opinions of others.
2. You’re waiting for other people to make you feel better.
3. You’re hoping a relationship will fix your problems.
4. You haven’t learned how to love and value yourself.
5. You have yet to forgive yourself of your past mistakes.
6. You have never learned to share how you’re truly feeling.
7. You’re spending too much time thinking about your failures.
8. You’re convinced that your life has no purpose.
9. You haven’t learned to let go of the past and embrace God’s grace.
10. You are allowing your emotions to control major life decisions.
Between the ages of 13-18, I dealt with severe depression and anxiety. Although those were some of the darkest years of my life, I learned that these 10 reasons were honest attributes to why I continued to feel lonely in my time of need. I hope these help you or someone you know.
- Jarrid Wilson


Hi readers! So recently I got my salary and its time to shop for some gadget and games hahaha! 

So here's what I bought V.V

I was researching on what is the best 3DS game now and I found this game that got 9/10 ratings everywhere! Look awesome. I started playing and the graphics are just wow amazing and with nice nostalgia  music from Zelda. I would recommend this game to all 3DS gamers! :) 

Sony Portable Charger!!! 
Finally I got a good portable that is said that it will retain its battery life by 90% even after 1000 charges! WOW its so much better than the battery in my iPhone! It is now 65% after 1000 charges T.T 

Sony never disappoint me with their stuffs! 

I love their design and build quality of it. 

With this portable charger, I can finally charge my phone when I am low in battery! YAY :D

Anyway that's all folks! Cya next time for my next post :) 

Sunday 5 January 2014

New mouse pad

Yesterday, I bought a new Razer mouse mat,
Here's the box of it.
It comes with a mouse map case! 

Closer picture of the Razer icon on the case!

What's in the case?
The aluminium mouse mat that is made from the aluminium that is used to make aircraft. WOW!!! 

And the Razer logo at the top right of the mat. 
And of course it comes with Razer stickers and the note from Razer Team!

Overall, this mouse mat looks durable and it is kinda of cold. Looks like this mouse mat is gonna stay with me for quite a long time. Haha

Saturday 4 January 2014


Wouldn't it be great if someone chats with you everyday? Well of course it would be great. I will be more than happy to have one friend like that. :) 

I doubt I will get one. 

Alright that's all for this post. Good night and gonna have a good sleep for work tomorrow. :) everything gonna be alright. 

Friday 3 January 2014


Hello, this is a story of a young 18 years old boy.

From today onwards, I will be starting to blog and write about my daily thoughts and the happening in my surroundings especially about my life and probably on my terrible childhood with my parents...

Well, the past have yet to change and stuffs still happen in my family... an big argument and fight just happened few hours ago. All I can do is ignore and continue to do my stuffs. I may sound heartless but I had already got used to it as it had been going on even before I was born. My parents fight and argue from the day they were together till 4 January 2014. I always wanted this agony to stop but things just work as expected as life is unfair and you dont get what you want.

Oh well that's my first post.  :) cya and I shall watch "The Originals" before I sleep!

Here's the poster of the series!